Welcome to this site which is an Internet version of a new translation from the original Middle English text of Geoffrey Chaucer 1400AD. and It is published here, in this format, for the first time rather than in print. However it is subject to the same copyright restriction as applies there. Free access and reference is herewith granted via the Internet and all quotes extracted and used must be fully acknowledged. All other rights are reserved. Subject to this provision only, no further reproduction copy or transmission of this publication or any parts may be made thereof without specific written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as now and subsequently amended). Any such unauthorised acts will be subject to prosecution and relevant claims for damages.

Copyright ©Louis Francis 2006. Illustrations courtesy of Max Gordonnier and

Your acceptance of these terms is taken to be implicit before proceeding.


Rather than publish the translation as a parallel text with the original Middle English, the two texts are printed as two separate entities with Internet links made available, section by section, for easy and instant comparison. Consequently the lines of the Prologue are presented in groups, devoted to each character as they are described by Chaucer.

It follows, therefore, that while each text can be accessed separately in total, it is the aim of this work to provide a constant interplay between the original text and this fresh translation.

'NB' A link error was detected in the Translated Text between 'The Knight and 'The Squire' - This has now been corrected, (wef.1.8.2007). My Apologies LF.


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